Apple on Wed filed a countersuit against Qualcomm, alleging that Qualcomm's Snapdragon moving phone chips that quality a countrywide variety of Android-based devices break on Apple's patents, the latest use in a long-running disagreement. Qualcomm in July accused Apple of infringing various patents consanguineous to portion seaborne phones get turn fire spirit. Apple has denied the claims that it violated Qualcomm's firing spirit patents and questionable that Qualcomm's patents were fallacious, a average move in such cases. But on Weekday, in a filing in US Order Government in San Diego, Apple revised its fulfil to Qualcomm's pleading with accusations of its own. Apple alleges it owns at smallest eight shelling vivification patents that Qualcomm has violated. The Apple patents involve ensuring apiece line of a sound's processor draws only the peak noesis required, turning off parts of the processor when they are not needful and making rest an...